Peru, Recuay Ceramic House Scene
Creamware with geometric painted designs in red, orange and brown polychrome. This is an elaborate house model with six figures modeled inside. This is one of the few houses with two windows and a door, as most of the known examples have only one opening. The house is also a good example of negative resist decoration, which was characteristic of Recuay ceramics. Similar examples are illustrated in Lapiner, "Pre-Columbian Art of South America" (1976: pls. 422 and 433).
Period: Peru, Recuay, North Coast, circa 300 BC-AD300
Media: Ceramic
Dimensions: Length: 5 in x Width: 5 in. x Height: 5 in.
Peru, Wari House Vessel with Overhanging Roof on Two Pillars
An effigy bowl in the form of a temple with a decorated roof. The sloping roof supported by pillars was likely decorated with a fresco. There are some temples in Southern Peru which still have traces of fresco decoration dating from the early Wari period. The columns taper to the top and have a lentil support. Photographed by Justin Kerr for Alan Lapiner, New York, June 1968.
Period: South Coast Peru circa 700-950A.D.
Media: Ceramic
Dimensions: H. 7 in.
Peru, Virú Double Chambered Single Spout Whistling Vessel in the Form of a Temple
A strap handle orangeware vessel of a temple with lord and two attendants. The two heads could also be architectural elements or trophy heads. There are traces of negative resist decoration. Larco Hoyle describes and llustrates similar shaped vessels in his monograph "Cronologia del Norte de Peru, La Cultura Virú" (1945: 4 and 8).
Period: Peru, Virïº, North Coast,circa 300BC-AD200
Media: Ceramic
Dimensions: Height 8" Length 7 1/2"
Peru, Chavin Stirrup Spout Vessel in the Form of a House
An unusual architectural motif of a round house which could have been a temple or ceremonial center. Round stone burial towers are found in the early Tiwanaku culture. This may have been what they were seeing and influenced their designs in Boliva.
Period: Chavin, North Coast Peru, c. 700-400 B.C.
Media: Ceramic
Dimensions: H. 9 in.
Peru, Moche III Ceramic Vessel in the Form of a Gabled House
This house or religious center is detailed with a gabled roof and stucco decoration with painted spears. A priest is portrayed in the doorway in full regalia. Ex Collection Of Sue Tishman, prior to 1970.
Period: Peru, Moche III, North Coast, circa AD300-500
Media: Ceramic
Dimensions: Height 9"
Colombia, Calima Ceramic Double Spout Vessel in Shape of a Circular House
Simply designed, Calima conventional style, slip painted, red and white ceramic "alcarraza" with a double spout bridge handle, in the form of a round house with a peaked roof. The creamy base retains traces of black resist geometric motifs in a lattice or net-like composition, considered to be a trademark of the Calima style (see Labbe, A."Columbian Gold and Ceramics in Antiquity", pp144-148) .
Period: Columbia, Malagana, Cauca River Valley, c. 1-500 AD
Media: Ceramic
Dimensions: Height: 6"
Colombia, Calima Effigy Vessel in the Form of a House
A house model resting on four globular feet. Vessels from the Calima region of Colombia, also known as alcarazzas, have a very distinct shape, typically with two spouts on the diagonal. For more examples, see "Colombia Before Columbus" by Armand Labbe (1986: 64-95) and "Calima" by de Schrimpff, Bray et. al. (1992: 113-118), which is where the reference drawing shown here has been taken from. A number of alcarazzas represent houses and probably mimic the actual dwellings of ancient societies in Calima.
Period: Colombia, Calima, Yotoco Phase, Cauca River Valley, circa AD100-1000
Media: Ceramic
Dimensions: Height 8"
Peru, Chancay House with Seated Man in Two Room Interior
This ceramic piece represents the interior of a house. The inside is divided into two alcoves. One alcove is enclosed on three sides, with a crosshatch pattern on the exterior, and the other is open to expose a seated man facing outward. He sits with an open vessel in front of him. The two outside walls are higher than the ones inside.
Period: Peru, Chancay, Central Coast, c. AD 1100 - 1430
Media: Ceramic
Dimensions: Length, 7 2/8 in, width 4 12/16 in, height 4 in.
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