Peru, Inca Large Bronze Axe with Curved Blade
This blade exhibits classic Inca style, which employed crisp, clean, artistic lines, even for simple tools. It has a cast hole for attachment to the side of a shaft which it would have been lashed to. These axes were forged from tin bronze, the official metal of the Inca realm, in a process called slush casting. Molten bronze was poured into open molds. For more examples of lunate axes see Carcedo de Mufarech (1999: figs. 164 and 165).
Technical Features
The blade was annealed after casting to sharpen the cutting edge.
Period: Peru, Inca, North Coast, c. AD 1350 - 500
Media: Metal
Dimensions: Height 5" x Width: 5.75
XRF Data
Base: Ag 0.100 ,As 1.530 Cd 0.01, Cu 96.270, Mn 0.020, Ni 0.010, Pb 0.010, Sb 0.110, Se 0.100, Zn 0.01.