Panama, Classic Veraguuas Cast Gold Frog with Serpents
This beautiful cast gold frog has large spherical eyes and a ribbon down its back and bordering its flippers. There is a modern suspension loop hung from the original suspension arrangement. Jan Mitchell collection, prior to 1970, by descent to his sons.
Period: Panama, Veraguas, c. AD 1000
Media: Metal
Dimensions: Length: 2 7/8" x Width: 1 3/4" Weight: 32.4 grams.
Panama, Cocle Cast Gold Anthropmorphized Twin Warriors
Each warrior has human bodies with bird-like facial features. They are wearing headdresses with undulating serpents and holding a typical paddle-like standard. There are curved bands emanating from each of the warrior's mouths. The warriors have beaked noses, representing transformation into condors. Ex. New York collector, prior to 1970. Two examples of attached figures are in the Met Museum.
Period: Panama, Cocle, c. AD 800 - 1200
Media: Metal
Dimensions: Height: 2" x Width: 4" Weight: 62.5 grams.
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Panama, Cocle Cast Gold Pendant of Pair Anthropomorphized Bats
Lost Was cast depicting paired figures with bat faces, human hands, and a corcodilian body and tail. Duality was a known belief of the natural world: male and female, night and day, heaven and earth. Bats are nocturnal creatures and ruled the darkness. There are two cast suspension loops behind each outside shoulder. Ex. New York collector, prior to 1970.
Period: Panama, Disquis, c. AD 1200 - 1500
Media: Metal
Dimensions: Width 2 3/4" x Length: 3 1/8" Weight 100.6 grams
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Panama, Diquis Gold Figural Pendant Wearing a Raptor Bird Mask
The pendant is an excellent example of the Lost Wax casting technique. The imposing figure has typical Diquis style "C"-shaped wings with crocodile heads emanating from behind the head and feet. The figure is probably a male shaman in transition for flight to the other world. This pendant is illustrated in THE ART OF PRECOLUMBIAN GOLD- The Jan Mitchell Collection, pg. 105, and also in POWER OF GOLD, p. 72. Another similar example of a Diquis pendant with with a bat's head is illustrated in Between the Continents/Between Seas: PRECOLUMBIAN ART OF COSTA RICA, plate 93. Another very similar piece is in the Denver Art Museum. Ex. New York collector, prior to 1970.
Period: Panama, Diquis, c. AD 1000 - 1500
Media: Metal
Dimensions: Height: 31/4" x Width: 31/2" Weight: 97grams
XRF: Au. 90.6%, Ag.6.3%, Cu. 2.8% Pt. Platimum 1.03%
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Panama, Diquis Gold Frog With Large Hind Flippers and Bulbous Eyes
The Frog has a classic body with his front legs becoming the suspension loops. From the mouth emanate two saurian heads back to back, with a mythological significance. The eyes each have a solid pellet inside to make noise when the frog is being worn. A similar example is illustrated in the Catalog, BETWEEN CONTINENTS/BETWEEN SEAS: Precolumbian Art of Costa Rica, fig. 287. A similar frog is also the Rockefeller Collection at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Originally photographed by Justin Kerr #3081, 2001.
Period: Panama, Diquis, c. AD 1000 - 1500
Media: Metal
Dimensions: Length: 3 3/4" x Width:3 1/2" Weight: 65 grams
XRF Au.68.5% Ag.03%, Cu. 31%
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Panama, Diquis Lost Wax Cast Gold Eagle Pendant
This is a classic representation of a Harpy eagle. The eagle has a downturned beak with pointed ears and large, curled claws. The eagle is decorated with a neck band and bead design under each wing. Estate of Jan Mitchell prior to 1970. Exhibited at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in 1985. Restored by Robert Sonin.
Period: Panama, Diquis, c. AD 1200 - 1500
Media: Metal
Dimensions: Height: 3 7/8" x Width; 4 3/4" Weight 152.7 grams
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Panama, Macaracas (Cocle) Circular Gold Disc With Concave Center
The disc is embellished with two bands of small bosses on the narrow rim. There is a pair of suspension holes. On Columbus’ 4th voyage off the coast of Panama, he and his men saw Indians wearing "Mirrors of gold." Illustrated in THE ART OF PRECOLUMBIAN GOLD, p. 119. Ex New York collector, prior to 1970.
Period: Panama, Macaracas, c. AD 800 - 1000
Media: Metal
Dimensions: Diameter 5 3/8" 24.6 Weight: grams
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Panama, Macaracas Stye Ceramic Dish Decorated with Stylized Pair of Saurians
The Saurian figures appear in profile in opposite directions and are separated by a narrow band. Violet and red pigments are used to skillfully define the shapes of the creatures. The Saurian figures appear on the front, back, and sides of the dish. Similar saurian designs are illustrated in GUARDIANS OF THE LIFE STREAM by Armand Labbe, fig. 41. Ex- Los Angles collection.
Period: Panama, Maracas stye, c. AD 800 - 1000
Media: Ceramic
Dimensions: Diameter: 7 1/2"
Panama, Veraguas Cast Gold Shark with Serpent and Crocodile Appendages
This is a variation of the classic Veraguas shark, with three sets of dorsal fins and four sets of Saurian appendages. On the underside of the mouth are two rows of intricately modeled teeth. There are two suspensions loops underneath the mouth. From the Jan Mitchell collection, prior to 1970, by descent to his sons. The top left serpent appendage is missing its eye.
Period: Panama, Veraguas, c. AD 800 - 1500
Media: Metal
Dimensions: Length: 3 1/4" x Width: 1 7/8" Weight: 65.5 grams.
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Panama, Veraguas Speckled Stone Pendant
This rare Veraguas anthropomorphic female bat deity bears a human body, a simian face, and bat-like ears. There is a suspension hole near each shoulder for hanging the pendant on a string. This pendant was exhibited in the Brooklyn Museum and published in the Jay Leff Collection, catalog no.500. Acquired from Sotheby's, May 12, 1983, lot 13.
Period: Panama, Veraguas, c. AD 800 - 1500
Media: Stone
Dimensions: Height: 2.25"